
We provide dental fillings that fully restore the health of vulnerable teeth and preserve dental function. To make sure you feel at ease during this and any other restorative procedure, we help you relax by providing the full support and attention to detail we exhibit during each routine visit. We also provide treatment options that match the appearance of your enamel and preserve your smile.

The Role Fillings Play In Restoring Oral Health

Dental fillings treat enamel affected by decay and physical trauma. This treatment can minimize changes to your healthy tooth structure while also avoiding unwanted changes to the way you look. Because this is a conservative solution, little about your tooth structure changes, and your procedure can fit into just one appointment!

Before placing a filling, we will carefully review the damage to your enamel and make sure the right procedure is provided. It is important to confirm that a filling will provide enough support. If not, we can use a custom crown for your long-term protection and health.

Enjoy A Better Treatment Experience From Your Trusted Waukesha Dental Office

Our patients can count on comfort and a serious commitment to their health when they need work done on their smile. To find out how we can make your experience with dental fillings better, or to discuss any other services that we offer, call Davies General Dentistry at 262-522-7878.