Tooth Extractions

A tooth extraction may be advised when there is no other way to restore the tooth. It can be upsetting to learn this is needed, but by removing your problem tooth, we put an end to pain and protect against complications that can seriously impact your smile and well-being.

From making you more comfortable during treatment to presenting options for restoring your full smile after, we can help you have the best treatment experience possible when a tooth needs to be removed.

Why Is It Necessary To Have My Tooth Extracted?

Advanced cavities and injuries can lead to serious infection risks and destroy too much of your tooth structure to make preserving your full smile possible. In these situations, an extraction stops pain and infection risks, and it lets us proceed with plans to properly restore your smile.

Consistent dental exams lower your risk for these kinds of problems, and so does prioritizing care when a tooth appears to be in poor health. Our office is here to take care of you on a regular basis—at your routine dental checkups, we can often find and treat issues long before teeth need to be removed.

Safely Removing Your Tooth

To address discomfort or anxiety you feel around tooth extraction, we can provide dental sedation. The tooth and surrounding tissues are treated to prevent discomfort while your removal takes place, so you will not have to worry about pain during your procedure. After the appointment, we will provide helpful instructions for a better and easier recovery.

All of our patients receive thorough evaluations before any restorative services occur. This gives us the chance to review your situation with you and explain why the procedure is recommended. We will also look out for any potential complications that need to be addressed, removing the risk of unwanted treatment delays and other issues.

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Wisdom teeth are frequently removed and not replaced, as many people lack the space for them. If yours have not been removed, we will check on their status and determine if or when an extraction should occur. This is a safe and effective treatment option. Without their removal, wisdom teeth can damage neighboring molars, get infected and even cause your teeth to shift.

We also work with oral surgeons for the removal of teeth when necessary to provide the best care.

Your Waukesha, WI Dentist Can Safely Extract Your Problem Tooth

Tooth extractions and other dental treatments are made easier when they are performed at a dental office you trust. To find out how Davies General Dentistry can make your experience with care easier, reach out to our Waukesha, WI dental practice at 262-522-7878.